SPOTTED: Google Maps Street View Car in PCB

If you’re not a bit nerdy, you probably won’t really care.  But, since this is something that doesn’t happen very often (like maybe once every 3 or 4 years), I figured it was absolutely noteworthy.

Google Maps has several Subaru Impreza cars wrapped in Google Maps garb and outfitted with a roof assembly topped with a “Ladybug” that includes an array of 15 cameras.  The “Ladybug” takes shots slightly down, level and  slightly up at 360 degrees.  The array can snap shots in real time at normal driving speeds.  The driver needs to do nothing else except drive normally while in operation.

The driver of this car is a local, hired as a contractor by Google through the local Workforce Center.  Once he was hired, he was flown to California, trained on how to use the car then drove it back here to map out the area.

When I talked to the driver, he had already completed Panama City proper and Panama City Beach, and was headed to Destin.

So, what does this mean for Panama City Beach?  This means we’re going to have more up to date imagery of Panama City Beach in Google Maps Street View.

More on Google Maps Street View.

Here are more pictures.

11 thoughts on “SPOTTED: Google Maps Street View Car in PCB

  1. Hello Jason…..
    I often wondered just how they produced & updated these Google Maps or any other map for that instance.
    Thanks for the info & pictures…. now I know what I’ve always wondered.


  2. I trust that they had no problems with you photographing their vehicle and equipment, since they drive down our streets and photograph our homes, backyards, etc.


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