Proposed Stipulations Concerning the College Spring Break Disagreement

People definitely have different views concerning whether Panama City Beach should continue to promote College Spring Break. I wonder whether these opposing views prevent us from reaching any conclusions about whether or not College Spring Break is in the best interest of our beautiful destination.

In an effort to try to work out this problem, maybe we could all agree on something like the following. If so, the community could begin to actually analyze whether College Spring Break helps or hurts our destination’s economy rather than just debating the issue. These stipulations may seem obvious to many; however, some on both sides definitely need to have more respect for how this issue affects other people. It is my hope that people on both sides will offer suggestions so that we can reach an impartial and workable “Stipulations Concerning the College Spring Break Disagreement”.

  1. The full-year profits of some tourist related businesses is increased as a result of our promotion of College Spring Break; however, the full-year profits of other tourist related businesses is reduced as a result of our promotion of College Spring Break.
  2. The full-year profits of some rental real estate investors is increased as a result of our promotion of College Spring Break; however, the full-year profits of other rental real estate investors is decreased as a result of our promotion of College Spring Break.
  3. The promotion of College Spring Break has a positive effect on the yearly income of some tourist industry employees; however, it has a negative effect on the yearly income of other tourist industry employees.
  4. College Spring Break brings tourists to Panama City Beach during March; however, it also causes other tourists to avoid Panama City Beach during March.
  5. Media coverage of College Spring Break results some additional tourists during the other 11 months of the year; however, it also results in a loss of some potential tourists during the other 11 months of the year.
  6. Our College Spring Break image results in a gain of some tourists during the other 11 months of the year; however, it also results in a loss of some potential tourists during the other 11 months of the year.
  7. Some students who visit Panama City Beach during their College Spring Break end up coming back to visit later in their life as a result of their Spring Break visit; however, other students who visit Panama City Beach during College Spring Break end up not coming back later in life as a result of their Spring Break visit.
  8. College Spring Break results in some buyers being more interested in purchasing residential real estate in Panama City Beach; however, it also results in some buyers having less interest in purchasing residential real estate in Panama City Beach.

-Bryan Durta

This week in Spring Break 2008, Panama City Beach

Last week was indeed the big week, but it’s still not over. My in-laws own a rental management company on the beach that my wife works at on weekends. She said yesterday, “this must be the vomit and poop week.” She said they found human feces on the living room floor in one home and feces on a window sill in another home with vomit all over the place. gross.

Click the “more” link for a list of schools in town this week”

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