PCBDaily Owner Featured in Local Publication

PCBDaily and CYber SYtes owner David Goldflies was recently pictured as a performer in the local publication Bay County Bullet.  The picture can be found in the Beach and Bay Beat section and was used to display some of the local musical in the area.

Goldflies is pictured playing his base with Pagonoland at the downtown Mardi Gras event at McKenzie Park using his iPad for his music rather than reading off of sheet music.

Weekend Events- Bay County in Full Swing

Looking for Panama City Beach events? Bookmark our Events section!

Wow. A little sunshine and the whole town sets their activity volume to Eleven.

Due to the sheer volume of events, we listed a variety of options starting from Friday, March 4 through Tuesday, March 8.

Things To Do

Continue reading “Weekend Events- Bay County in Full Swing”

We’re Hiring a Social Media Expert

NOTE: You no longer have to have a college degree to be considered a qualified applicant.

If you’ve been looking for a job at an awesome company, this is your shot at getting in the door.  We’ve been growing leaps and bounds and are in need of a FULL TIME Social Media Expert.

CYber SYtes is the premier web design and social media consulting firm in Northwest Florida.  We have website and social media clients that range from real estate, vacation rentals, dining, amusement and more.

We are looking for a fun and dynamic team player to join the existing Social Media staff managing a variety of clients and coming up with creative new marketing ideas.  We are not looking for a noob but rather a seasoned professional that understands the intricacies of social marketing.

Continue reading “We’re Hiring a Social Media Expert”

Panama City Beach Mardi Gras in Pier Park!

This is an old article, please go here to see new information

Panama City Beach Mardi Gras in Pier Park on Friday & Saturday, March 4-5.

“Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!” (Let the good times roll)

This family-friendly festival is a terrific alternative for travelers hoping to experience the culture and celebration of Mardi Gras, while enjoying a seaside vacation at one of the hottest beach destinations around.

Schedule Below

Continue reading “Panama City Beach Mardi Gras in Pier Park!”

New Dune Buggy Adventure Park to Open This Week [PICS]

Remember last summer when we were talking about a really cool new attraction in Panama City Beach, Panama Dunes?  We were marveling the novelty of having a Dune Buggy track that was accompanied by other adventuresome attractions.  Well, they’re opening this week.

Originally they had planned on opening last summer, then it got moved to Labor Day, then put off until this week.  The setbacks were related to a variety of things that come up when building something that’s never been done before, and the winter hiatus was to ensure a strong start with the 2011 tourism season.  But, with the winter months put aside for planning, the owners decided to launch their grand opening with a huge BANG with much more to offer then they had originally planned.

Continue reading “New Dune Buggy Adventure Park to Open This Week [PICS]”

Dive Locker- Nationally Acclaimed Local Business

The Ocean is my vision of the world’s first bonafide Minx.

She’s the original siren, proven capable of luring good men and women into uncertain voyages with her immense appeal, infinite depths, unpredictable temper and unmatched power.

The Sea’s effeminate qualities are limitless, and despite the extensive explorations we’ve bombarded her with, the Ocean still remains a coquettish mystery to us.

In short, the brazen lady scares the beejeebus out of me.

Sure, I’m game for swimming around the beach and even paddling out for a good surf session (for “good surf session” read lounging on the board, dangling my toes in the water) but so far,  that’s the extent of my courageous ocean adventures.  Skimming through waves, and executing fancy face-plants in the sandy shores.

Thankfully, there are others who have significantly more courage and have managed to turn the mighty ocean into a watery play-ground by delving deep into the worlds that exist far beneath the deceptively calm surface.

Oceanic Rock Stars, if you will, touring for miles underwater, in order to explore, discover and learn firsthand what potentially historical treasures lay at rest on the Ocean’s floor. In fact, our little town is home to some nationally acclaimed oceanic rock stars. Granted, they don’t define themselves by that term (that’s all mine baby) and prefer to go by the slightly more humble moniker of Professionally Certified Divers.

I’m referring to the one and only Dive Locker on Thomas Drive. Recently honored by being listed in Scuba Diving Magazine, as one of the best Dive Operations in the 2011 Readers Choice Top 100.

It’s easy to see why they’ve obtained such a prestigious nomination. The passion they exude for diving is evident in even casual encounters with everyone involved with Dive Locker’s operations.

Throughout the process of trying to coordinate our schedules, we were able to eventually connect and get a little Q & A action together. Thankfully, they were kind enough to answer my questions, and help shed a little insight on the people behind the shops success.  Most of the responses are from Tony Snow, Dive Locker’s Owner Extraordinaire, with additional comments provided by Brandon (who, according to the Dive Locker’s website, is aspiring to become the first underwater ninja. I commend you good sir. Ninjas rock) and Todd, Dive Locker’s Head Instructor, who has consistently been honored in PADI’S Top Ten as a top rated dive instructer.


  • PCB:
    How long has Dive Locker been in business, has it always been in its current location?
  • DL: It’s been around for 8 years and yes, it originated in this location and has been here ever since.
  • PCB:
    Did business suffer last year with the oil spill?
  • DL: Despite the oil spill we still had a productive year, especially compared to others. There was great potential for the best season ever before the spill occurred. Unfortunately the negative media coverage scared away a lot of potential and existing customers so it is really difficult to say how much we were affected.
  • PCB:
    As Divers, did you guys see any evidence of oil, while you were in the water?
  • DL: Yes, but small amounts. There were several times when diving from shore that our staff encountered tar balls or sheen. However, they disappeared quickly and we have yet to see them since. We were very fortunate compared to surrounding areas.
  • PCB:
    Panama City Beach has been dubbed the “Wreck Capital of The South,” is there any idea how many sunken ships are in the area? Are divers still finding more?
  • DL: Countless amounts. The wonderful thing about the gulf is there is so much unchartered areas. People find new treasures all of the time. I think that is a contributing factor of why people dive. We are fascinated with the unknown. The ocean is a great place to explore and possibly find a piece of history.
  • DL (Todd)
    We have tons of Wrecks within just a few miles of our Pass. The Closer Wrecks are Red Sea, a newly placed tug, is our most recent wreck. The local dive community all worked to raise the money and get that one placed here. Black Bart, an oil field supply vessel is easily our most dove ship wreck. The USS Strength, an old navy mine-sweeper is one of the more interesting wrecks due to its condition. It has been blown in half, so it has a neat dive profile. A prototype Hovercraft also sits on the bottom in shallow. A Little Further Out, there’s the Accokeek, A tug that served during WWII now sits in about 110 feet of water. The Grey Ghost, an Old Navy Tug sunk in July 1978 as one of our first artificial reefs. Mac’s Reef, a retired navy barge sunk in 2007. Simpson, our shallowest wreck, is about 20 feet, but ten miles down shell island sunk in 1929
  • DL (Brandon)
    We are the “wreck capitol of the south”. We easily have over 30 wrecks in the area, along with sunken bridge spans. Most of the wrecks in the area are part of the artificial reef program, but they are still amazing dive sites. We do have a few “natural” wrecks. The Empire Mica, which stands out the most to me was sunk by a German U-Boat during WW2. Another natural wreck is the Tarpon. An old cargo ship that was overloaded (cocky Captain) and sank 12 miles offshore in the middle of a storm. Crew members of these two wrecks and a few other wrecks lost their lives during the sinking. The Mica and Tarpon are said to be haunted.

When I asked them about the coming season, and their feelings on its potential, Brandon summed it up with this statement: “We have high hopes for the coming season. I personally think this will be an awesome season for diving and for us. I think we will definitely bounce back from the oil spill last year. THERE IS NO OIL HERE! You can quote that.”

And so I did.

Dive Locker is the place to go when you’re ready to discover something new and exhilarating – especially if you feel as if you’ve done everything Panama City Beach has to offer. If you fit that description, then this is your key to unlocking a completely unique adventure.

Dive Locker (888) 612-7968 | 106 Thomas Drive | Panama City Beach, FL 32408

Firefly Restaurant Hosts “Dinner without Devices”

Firefly Restaurant Hosts “Dinner without Devices” on March 4

Panama City Beach’s Firefly Restaurant, located in the Shoppes at Edgewater, will host “Dinner without Devices” on Friday, March 4.

On that night, restaurant guests at each table will receive a basket in which to deposit their phones, iPads, iPods, and other electronic devices so they can reconnect with family and friends without “being connected.”

Personally, I think the idea is wonderful, especially after sharing the news of this event with my Husband and the first words out of his mouth were “I’m not giving them my Phone.”

To which I naturally replied “oh yes you are Mister!”  (Then quickly flounced away in childish hopes of  getting the last word in. If I can’t hear the rebuttal, I win- right?? )

Press Release Below

Continue reading “Firefly Restaurant Hosts “Dinner without Devices””

Weekend Weather- Some Rain, Mostly Sun!

Looking for weekend weather updates? Bookmark our Weather category!

The temperatures have been steadily climbing, and people have been creeping out from their winter doldrums, right and left.

It’s funny how most of the nation relies on a groundhog to tell them that spring is around the corner, where as, us beach folks utilize a slightly different approach.

For me, my spidey-senses start tingling with the incessant urge to go bathing suit shopping, while my Husband can sense spring is in the air by a sudden, overwhelming desire to buy a boat.

Regardless of what sign you’re own family uses as the Ear-Mark Of Spring, we can rest assured that we’ve got plenty of good-looking days ahead of us.

Granted, to keep us humble, the Skies tossed in some clouds and a few rainstorms here and there, but we can feel good about giving kudos to Mr. Ground Hog, The Boat Sign, or The Bikini Urge for being on the money!*

Weather Below

Continue reading “Weekend Weather- Some Rain, Mostly Sun!”

3 NEW Attractions Come to Miracle Strip in Pier Park

It all started with wanting to put a carousel in Pier Park.

Jenny and Teddy Meeks started their search a couple years ago wanting to erect a carousel in Pier Park.  Their search led them far and wide, through ride brokers and agents leading them, eventually, to the perfect candidate.  After numerous road trips, confusing emails and phone calls, they finally found the location of this perfect carousel they’d only seen in pictures.  It was in storage right here, in Panama City Beach, at Miracle Strip Amusement Park.

This ride opened with tons of fanfare and excitement just a couple short years ago.  Popularity grew quickly and their Facebook page’s fan number skyrocketed.  They knew immediately that their next logical step was to resurrect more rides from this place of childhood memories.

Continue reading “3 NEW Attractions Come to Miracle Strip in Pier Park”

2011 Tourism Predictions- Staffing Spree

This is the third article in a series that explores 2011 Tourism Predictions for Panama City Beach.

“If you market it, you must be prepared to staff it”

This is a *statement liberated from Socrates’s, um- well, his lesser known cousin, ahem, **Heraclitus.

However, let’s not quarrel over the origins of the statement, and opt to simply take into consideration it’s message.

We’ve been marketing, promoting, negotiating and canoodling with every possible venue, avenue, social site and persons, to spread the good word.

The word being that Spring Break & the Summer Season of 2011, is bigger and now-with-more-sparkles, then this past year of troubled times. The campaign has been proving it’s success through various ways of tracking, and along with the success of inviting the masses into our community, we’ve properly followed through by reaching out to the employable community to help handle the welcomed influx.

Article Below

Continue reading “2011 Tourism Predictions- Staffing Spree”