Panama City Airport Relocation Update

With the stay lifted, construction is heavy underway again with main runways and taxi-ways to be completed in 2008 and the terminal to be complete in 2009.  The new airport is still slated to open mid 2010.

All sounds good with the exception of another suit being brought against The Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service claiming that the 404 Permit issued for the relocation was not legitimate.

The parties seeking to block the 404 Permit are the Florida Clean Water Network and The Citizens for the Bay, a locally based organization.

Be sure to visit The Citizens for the Bay website, it is dated, but has some neat information on it.

A hearing is scheduled for next Thursday, February 14th.

Information from this post was gathered from the News Herald.

All information I have on the airport relocation can be found here.

4 thoughts on “Panama City Airport Relocation Update

  1. Another lawsuit….more time wasted…..more money wasted…..
    There are numerous falsities on the Citizens for the Bay website……
    But it will always be a back and forth, you’re wrong I’m right political attitude…


  2. We have turned into a special interest society. . these people don’t know that Joe can do whatever it wants with any of the land – they own it! They can forest it, develop it, but they are GIVING 4000 acres for the airport and 9000 acres for conservation! It will go through, but geez let the protestors pay the legal fees every time they are over turned?? Jason thanks for your great site!


  3. Speculators’last hurdle Feb. 14th.Speculative dollars
    will roll into the Hwy.77 & Hwy. 79 corridors.The 80%
    increase of beds in the Washington Correctional Facility will hurry the next phase of 4- lane construction on Hwy. 77 in order to meet concurrency
    requirements from Hwy.20 intersection north on 77 to
    the prison.Affordable housing investors will look for
    land in the corridors as well as commercial ventures
    ranging from small hotels to restaurants and service oriented businesses.Bargain prices will move some real estate which have commercial potential.The State of Florida will delay some progress due to increased
    regulation by the D.C.A.(Dept. of Community Affairs).
    Any projects must go through 18- 36 months of the process until final D.O.(Development Order)is issued.
    Most project investors must buy now in order to be through the process and recieve D.O. by grand opening time for the new International Airport.Next 12 months
    in this area real estate will start appreciating.With
    a”suprise” announcement from a major player for a large venture in this area a possibility,speculation
    may turn to a “mini” real estate bubble.Lightning can
    strike twice to those who are wise.


  4. Michelle, you said there are many falsities on the Citizens for the Bay website. Please tell me what they are and we will verify and correct as appropriate. The airport should not be about poltiics or land deals, but about science, costs and public interest.

    There are no laws, never have been, that give a person a right to do whatever they want with their property. The fantasy of property rights has been to the Supreme Ct many times. This is a landmark case:

    Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, 99-2047, June 28, 2001

    In this landmark case, the Supremes ruled that Mr. Palazzolo had no “property right” to develop a 74- lot subdivsion on 20 acres of coastal wetlands in Rhode Island. They did say he had a right to build just one house. And there was a piece of upland to do that on.

    A rule of thumb: Your property rights stop at your property line. That is, you can’t do anything on your property that interferes with your neighbor’s or the public’s rights. We should all be grateful for the right of quiet enjoyment of our property.


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