There Are No Bad Days…This Is Why…

I am excited to start bringing you weekly Real Estate tips again and if you have read my articles before you will remember I like to throw a “Feel Good” piece in from time to time. Since this is the beginning of a fabulous new year I thought I would start us off with something from my heart.

I was prompted to write this after a friend that I greatly admire asked the question via Facebook, “What has been your best part of this year so far?” Of course, she got a variety of answers but what surprised me that some could only think of something bad. It made me think, surely, no matter how tumultuous, there must have been friends that would rise to the occasion and at the very least with an exercise of faith to share a spark of hope. I have learned that in a state of gratitude the good things grow and the other negatives fade away or at the very least become less dominant.

Not sure the exact time and space that this attitude of terminal hope came upon me in my life but for whatever reason through prayer, quiet time with God, the compassion of amazing people I have come to believe that there is good inherent in ALL things. I have learned that whatever state that I am in that is meant to be to take me to the next level of my life.

Simply…. I learned to be thankful in the valley.

I love everyday in every way because if I am seeking that which is good I will find it in the worst of circumstances in every situation. The worst of times have shown me the greatest love of others and it has taught me the strength that can only come of that experience. So for me there is NEVER a bad day only different days with different ways to learn about love and its impact on me and my world and the lives of others. That is my truth and my day and my year so far in a nutshell.

I will see you next week but until I do please remember, “The only people we need to get even with are those that have helped us”

One thought on “There Are No Bad Days…This Is Why…

  1. Karen, what a wonderful up-lifting story you have shared with us this morning. I am very grateful for any “Feel Good” articles that we can read and relate to nowadays. They benefit all of us, sometimes silently as we never know what type of circumstances others are going through in their life.
    I myself recently have had an abundance of friends “Rise to the Occasion” to offer me much needed prayer and mental support. I am deeply grateful for their love & prayers for me. Often when troubles come into our life we need the support of friends and acquaintances to help us and strengthen us. Karen, you look at these as “stages” of our life & I believe things do happen in these stages that make us the people we are.
    At the end of last summer my dear mother was diagnosed with Dementia. After many falls in her home my brother & I had to admit our mother into a nursing home facility. I cannot begin to explain to you the anguish and mental worry I have felt over this decision, a decision for safety of a beloved parent. If it were not for the support of my friends through prayer, advise and reassurance… I could not have made it.
    Karen you are so right, it is at the very worst of times that truly show me the greatest love of others. Our gracious Lord never places more on us than we can endure, thus it gives us strength. This added strength compounded over the years lets us face each new and wonderful day! There are NO bad days…. I agree, just different ones. I look forward to greeting each one of them, my armor is on & I am ready.
    Thank you,


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